Delete the Realtor App Unless You Want my Experience.

Stop what you’re doing! Do you have the Realtor App on your phone? Do yourself a favor and DELETE IT NOW!!!

No, the Russians aren’t spying on you through it (although my analytics did say I had two clicks on my inactive blog over the last 30 days from Russia…) but it could possibly send you into the craziest rabbit hole of your life. It sure did for us!

One day, after dropping off one of the girls (oh yeah, that’s right, I haven’t blogged in a while…. we now have TWO girls) at school, I thought I’d see what big, fancy homes were on the market around her school that have pools. We have always wanted a pool but our yard wasn’t big enough, so we would dream about it for our next home. In NO WAY was I looking for a home to buy right now. Matter of fact, I was in the midst of decluttering and Unf&cking my Habitat.

Oh, but wouldn’t you know, a house that looked absolutely stunning was listed, with a pool, in our school district, and I couldn’t believe it! I quickly called a bestie (who is our realtor) and asked why it was still on the market… and suggested we should go be nosey at lunch see it. Again, NOT intending to buy this house, or any other home for that matter.

Fast forward to that evening when I told my husband to meet me there to also be nosey, but still well aware that it was not something we were taking seriously. Or so I thought. We came home that evening and the next morning he was reaching out to our broker, putting an offer on the house, and in less than 30 days we closed.

We now have a beautiful home that is near twice the size of our other house, we have the most inviting backyard with a stunning pool for the girls to enjoy for many years, and, a lot to still unpack!

So please, take it from me, if you do not want to feel every emotion of a house buying experience to the absolute fullest in one short month; DELETE THE APP. But, if this chaos sounds beautiful to you, please, feel free. It will even let you setup an account to get push notifications for homes that fit your dreams. (Again, I did not do that, I had no business being on the app to begin with.)

This is what being nosey gets you!


PS - If you have any questions or need any help in this process, please feel free to let me know! I’m more than happy to share my personal (and professional) knowledge, experience, and of course sympathy during what can often be a stressful adventure!


35 By 35

So let me start by saying; in general, I’m a pretty nice person (if I do say so myself).  I’ll be the first to smile at someone in the morning and say "hello" at first sight.  I try to offer help or even comforting words when I see the slightest need.  Matter of fact, while I was coming up with this list, I felt like I was doing things that could have been included on the list but since I was already attempting to complete the task, I didn’t want to cheat and add it here.  (Especially volunteering to coach my daughter’s cheer team.)

Now, I can't take credit for the idea all on my own.  I actually stumbled across it while browsing Pinterest one day.  Feel free to check out the original post here.

Although I loved the idea, I did need to change it to more match my own personal goals since I wanted to be challenged by the list and force myself to step outside of my comfort zone.  A few of the ones listed on Kara’s list are already a part of my every day (or every quarter) life style such as donating clothes or books.  (I’m not one to hold a garage sale; I’d rather just take it and drop it off somewhere for instant gratification of having free space.)

That being said, I loved the idea of having something tangible to keep me grounded. Something that would encourage me to make the last stretch of my 34th year carry some weight. Something that would not just push me to be a better person but do more by having a list that will take me out of my normal, every day routine.

Here are my somethings. My list of 35 acts of kindness that I would like to accomplish before my 35th birthday, which is coming up much faster than I anticipated...

  1. Leave something simple on someone's doorstep who could appreciate the gesture.
  2. Put positive notes around town for strangers.
  3. Compliment a stranger.
  4. Mail a card or letter to a friend just because.
  5. Volunteer. (Not with DARC.)
  6. Pay for the person behind you.
  7. Hide money for a stranger to find.
  8. Clean up an area around town that you love.
  9. Help a stranger with their groceries.
  10. Send dessert to a stranger's table.
  11. Leave a BIG tip!
  12. Pay for someone's dinner/meal.
  13. Tell a mom you don't know that she's doing a great job.
  14. Appreciate someone who is under appreciated.
  15. Help someone do something they can't do without your help.
  16. Buy something from someone's Amazon Wishlist and have it mailed to them.
  17. Hide Easter eggs throughout the city with treats inside them.
  18. Compliment someone to their boss.
  19. Provide dinner to a neighbor or friend who is busy or overwhelmed. 
  20. Make a donation to the Denton Animal Shelter.
  21. Leave a book you really like some where with a note.
  22. Buy an extra umbrella and keep it in your car; next time it's raining and you see someone without one, gift them that umbrella.
  23. Do something or give something to thank the mail person.
  24. Do something or give something to thank the garbage men/recycling men.
  25. Leave quarters in the Quarter Machines at a grocery store to surprise a little one.
  26. Follow up with someone you know who has been dealing with something 'heavy'.
  27. Loan someone money on to help someone's dream come true.
  28. Create a jar of happiness for someone. List all sorts of compliments & motivators for an instant pick-me-up.
  29. Place inspiring notes in the restroom at work to inspire ladies. 
  30. Pay it forward at the vending machine.
  31. Place pennies heads up on the sidewalk.
  32. Take a tasty treat to work for collogues for no reason.
  33. Mow someone's yard without being asked and for no charge.
  34. Donate to a local charity.
  35. Print pictures for someone of them or loved ones. 


To be able to keep track of my list, I have written it (with very few errors) and placed it inside my Happy Planner. This way, it is with me at all times and serves as a (not so gentle) reminder to make sure I start crossing things off that list.  After all... Thirty-five will be here before I know it. 

35 By 35

35 By 35

Just ignore that one without a number... or a box... it's a duplicate, or an 'oops' as  you can see.

Just ignore that one without a number... or a box... it's a duplicate, or an 'oops' as  you can see.


(I believe the actual day count right now, August 14th, until Sept 16th (my 35th birthday) is down to 32 days! That's less than 1 RAK a day!)

Wish Me Luck!




Out With The Old

Well, here I am. Sitting at the library fitting into the stereo-typical New Year Resolutionist category. Resolutionist, is that even a real word? 

After a quick Google, Urban Dictionary has told me it is and I'm using it correctly. 

I've collected my self help books; one about blogging, one about photographing everyday life and the most important, one about food. 

It isn't about what to eat or what not to eat. It isn't a cookbook. It's more like, "Hey, you eat the wrong stuff for the wrong reasons... so read about how that's terrible for you! ". Oh, and here are some tips on how to, "end mindless eating once and for all". ('Eating the Moment' by Pavel G Somov, Ph.D.)

"Offers 141 mindfulness activities to help you listen to your body, understand why you're eating, and control your cravings if you're eating out of habit or because of your emotions."

"Offers 141 mindfulness activities to help you listen to your body, understand why you're eating, and control your cravings if you're eating out of habit or because of your emotions."

I plan to do just that! This year is the year! Ha! How many times has someone said that? For me personally? I'm not sure I have. You see, I'm the type of person who gets really excited about doing something new... (like blogging even,) and then rather quickly gets distracted, busy or just looses interest. Oh, and I have been known to quit things when they are hard! (Like my dairy-free stint; that was a terrible idea!)

However, this year, I demand to make a change... But let me be honest; I can be perceived as a person a lot of women hate. I am tall, look fit enough, and most are in the opinion that I have no reason to be unhappy with my weight or size. This however, is not the case at all! I have terrible eating habits that are slowly hurting me more and more each year. When you're younger it seems to never catch up to you but I know better. So regardless of your opinion on my weight or size (which, to be transparent, is hovering between 146-152 and I am a size 10), my health needs to become a focus in my life! With this in mind, I'd also love to see those abs they say are made in the kitchen, yet, I've spent plenty of time in there and I've never seen an ab, not one...

Hey! To each their own though right?  

So here is mine:

I eat terribly! I love starches, fats and creams. Rarely do I need chocolate, but there are times, without a doubt, that I'm looking for a sweet bite. I over eat, over indulge, and binge all too often. I can clean a plate like most men and am often the butt of jokes if food is involved. "Kim loves food!", "Ask Kim if she wants some, you know how she is about food!"

I also love Sprite!  Yep, high fructose corn syrup and all. Not to mention a good craft beer or a delicious magarita...

Here's the reality, I am scared. Scared to walk away from the food I not only love but have grown accustom to. All of my favorite foods are unhealthy and honestly bring me pleasure. There are few things in life I love more than taking one more bite of amazing food even though I'm uncomfortably full. (Oxymoron? Probably so.)

But this year, I want to make a change. I want to feel good about myself. I want to feel good in my own skin and be happy with what I see in the mirror. (Even at terrible times like bending over and putting on lotion!)  I want my clothes to fit the way I've always wanted them to, and I know my diet is the area I must focus on.

I'm usually pretty easy to convince to workout, run or be active. But I have also always rewarded that hard work with a terrible, and satisfying diet. This must stop! That's how you end up being the thin chick who had a heart attack. 

To see results and be the healthiest I can be, I must make a change. Mentally first! 

So, 2016, get ready to be a year that changes my life. For those of you around me, I want to say I'm sorry if I'm cranky, envious of your food, or ask to smell it with almost a fetish like look on my face. 

Cheers to 2016. More miles, less calories and a better me! 

Happy New Year!  


Wednesday Is My Run Day

If you have ever been near Oak St. in Denton on a Wednesday evening, you might have noticed a group of people standing around in their gym clothes (some more attractive than others). This is the Oak St. Draft House Social Run presented by The Denton Area Running Club  (DARC). Every Wednesday, throughout the year we take to the streets for a social 5k, it's, "give or take, 3 miles". There are a few rotating routes, but they are always posted ahead of time and easy to follow. Now, I know what you're thinking; "I'm not a runner", "FIVE MILES?" (No, it's only 3...), "I'm too slow.", "I have my kids.". It doesn't matter your excuse, we have the answer for that! The DARC is always encouraging runners/walkers of all ages and abilities to come meet and socialize. Even families and furry friends are welcome! I might have been seen helping my daughter with training wheels a few weeks back on a run.  Now, don't get me wrong, we do also have some Road Runners who finish at the first of the pack each week; if that's your group, they'd love to race down the hill with you to finish.

Denton Area Running Club's Wednesday Night Social Run at Oak Street Draft House.

The run starts and finishes at Oak St. Draft House & Cocktail Parlor. Think, Central Perk from Friends, with less caffeine and more alcohol; same amount of memories. Now, I will warn you, I am extremely partial to OSDHCP and their sister bar, East Side Denton but I'll save that love fest for another post. 

Hand Blown glass taps make for a unique atmosphere.

 What is the best way to celebrate a great run you ask? But of course, with a free shot! Make sure you have your I.D. and some funds (because you always grab a craft beer to chase that shot) and head to the front door where you'll be greeted with a golden ticket! Ok, It's probably not golden, and it might look like any other raffle ticket, but this one gets you alcohol!  Find your way out the back door to the patio that has it's own outdoor bar; there you can rest your legs or maybe even catch a game of Ping-Pong.  Don't let the temperature get to you either! There are always fans and heaters going to keep you comfortable.

Oak Street Draft House in Denton, TX

So next Wednesday night, the place to be, is Oak Street!  Please, come join us for a Social Run, a drink, a laugh, or come volunteer!  The Denton Area Running Club is doing great things and is working hard to prepare for the Inaugural Downtown Denton Turkey Trot to be held on Thanksgiving morning. We will be holding registrations at the social run for a simple and efficient way to sign up the whole family! 

Downtown Denton Turkey Trot 2015

Downtown Denton Turkey Trot 2015

Want more information about DARC or our Denton Turkey Trot 2015? Let me know! We also still have plenty of opportunities for sponsorship and volunteering at the chip-timed race. Or sign up here!

See you Wednesday! 


This is where it all begins, right?

"Why blog?"  "People still blog?"  "What will you say?" "What if no one cares?" "Who is going to read it?"  "Don't you have to have a theme?"

All of these questions either someone has asked me, or I have asked myself.  

After playing around with the idea of being a blogger, I have learned, that I have a lot to learn. It has been overwhelming to say the least. I had the idea, "I think I'll blog!" but then I realized so much goes into making a blog successful. From branding your blog to creatively designing your site and each individual post; and, that doesn't even begin to touch the social media aspect.

Be that as it may, I have decided to just get my feet wet! To go ahead and start this adventure plain and simple.  I'm going to grow. I'm going to learn. I'm determined and I am excited! 

So, thank you for taking the time to let me make excuses... now, let's get on with the blogging!